Organic basil Ocimum basilicum
Medicinal Uses: Principally acts on digestion & nervous systems, easing gas and stomach cramps and preventing or relieving nausea and vomiting. It is mildly sedative and has been found to be helpful in treating nervous irritability and fatigue., depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Has anti-bacterial properties, and the juice or a poultice of the fresh leaves relieves the itch and pain of insect bites and stings. Basil leaf can be infused in herbal tea blends.
Safety Factor: Completely safe. no known side effects. Use freely and abundantly.
Organic beet Root Powder Beta Vulgaris
Medicinal Uses: Beet Root Powder contains micronutrients and phytonutrients that may benefit heart, gut, and brain health. Benefits include reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, improving gut health, and increasing blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain which is involved in decison making and higher-level thinking.
Our organic non-GMO beet root powder can be added to culinary dishes or blended into smoothies, juices, and herbal formulas.
Safety Factor: no known precautions.
Organic calendula Flowers Calendula officinalis
Medicinal uses: an annual herb bearing an edible orange or yellow daisy-like flower. Naturalized throughout most of the world, calendula flower is a cheerful ornamental plant employed by many herbalists for its beneficial properties. The dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes to treat burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause. Calendula is packed with beneficial plant compounds that provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and wound healing effects; healing the body by promoting cell repair, and acts as an antiseptic, keeping infection at bay. Calendula is often used externally for bruises, burns, sores, and skin ulcers. It is also a wonderful lymph tonic and is cleansing and strengthening for the immune system. It's commonly taken as an herbal tea and used in various topical creams. also has been shown to help prevent dermatitis or skin inflammation in people with breast cancer during radiation therapy. Calendula flowers can be infused in oils and incorporated into lotions, creams, and balms. The flowers brighten herbal tea blends and make a tasty calendula tea infusion.
Calendula is a well-known herb and uplifting ornamental garden plant that has been used topically, ceremonially, and as a dye and food plant for centuries. It is also commonly referred to as marigold or pot marigold. Calendula is an annual herb bearing the characteristic daisy-like flowers of other members of the Asteraceae family.
Safety factor: Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family (such as feverfew, chamomile, or Echinacea species) should exercise caution with calendula, as allergic cross-reactivity to Asteraceae plants is common.
Organic cayenne Capsicum annuum
Medicinal uses: A warming circulatory stimulant, a safe and effective tonic for the heart, and an excellent digestive aid. Capsaicin, one of its active ingredients, signals the brain to release endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” hormones. Capsaicin has proved as a topical pain reliever for arthritis, bursitis, and muscle and joint aches. Rich in vitamins A and c, cayenne can aid and support the immune system. Cayenne is known as a heart herb. Doctors have recommended it both as first aid for a heart attack and as a tonic to strengthen the heart. Cayenne lowers cholesterol and may help reduce the severity of heart disease. Cayenne powder can be infused into oils, vinegars, and even herbal foot soaks or compounded as a cream for external use.
Safety factor: Though perfectly safe, cayenne needs a warning sign: This herb is hot! If you are fair skinned or have sensitive skin, wear gloves when working with cayenne. Don’t touch your eyes after handling cayenne, as it will sting. Cayenne is a strong stimulant and can cause gastrointestinal irritation or stomach convulsions if taken in large amounts. The most important thing is to use appropriate dosages. Small amounts go along way with this herb.
Organic Chamomile Flowers Matricaria chamomilla
Medicinal Uses: chamomile flowers have rich amounts of azulene, a volatile oil with a whole range of active principles that serve as anti-inflammatory and antifever agents, making it useful for treating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Offers Excellent support for the nervous and digestive systems. Good for easing stress and nervousness, promoting sleep, and aiding digestion. For infants and children, chamomile tea is a popular remedy for calming colic and childhood digestive issues. The tea can be added to bathwater for a wonderfully relaxing and soothing bath. Chamomile makes an excellent massage oil for relieving stress, anxiety, and muscle soreness. chamomile is most often prepared as an infusion of chamomile tea, and the flowers are widely used in hair and skincare recipes.
Safety factors: Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family should exercise caution with chamomile. If you get itchy eyes or ears, a runny nose, a scratchy throat, or other signs of allergy, discontinue use. The infusion should not be used near the eyes.
Organic sweet powder (Ceylon) cinnamon Cinnamomum verum
Medicinal uses: Boosts vitality, improves circulation, and clears congestion. A great digestive aid particularly for cases of overeating, bloating, and sluggish digestion, and one of the best herbs for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Powerful antiseptic with antiviral and antifungal properties and is often indicated in cases of viral infections, fungal infections, and colds, and flus. It is useful in cases of sluggish and painful menstruation. Organic sweet cinnamon powder can be encapsulated, tinctured, infused, and added to a variety of spice blends.
Safety factor: Generally considered safe and nontoxic with no known precautions, it does have slight emmenagogic properties (meaning it stimulates the uterus); while it may help encourage a late menstrual flow, it’s not recommended in large amounts in the early stages of pregnancy. (There are no reports of a miscarriage resulting from the use of cinnamon.)
Organic Whole Clove Syzygium aromaticum
Medicinal uses: Used to relieve the pain of toothache and oral infection. Powerful antiseptic and antispasmodic. Clove has antifungal properties. Stimulates metabolism.
Safety factor: Consumption should not exceed small amounts for use as a spice.
Organic Comfrey Leaf Symphytum officinale, Symphytum uplandicum
Medicinal uses: Rich in allantoin and deeply healing, comfrey is commonly used in soothing poultices, salves, and ointments. It facilitates and activates the healing of tissue and soothes pain and inflammation. It is absolutely one of the best herbs for torn ligaments, strains, bruises, and any injury to the bones or joints.Comfrey leaf has a long history of use for its beneficial properties in topical preparations throughout traditional Western herbalism.
*Caution: As with coltsfoot, studies several years ago found traces of PLAs (thought to cause liver damage) in comfrey. The studies were not conclusive, and some herbalists continue to use it in formulas meant for internal use by others. You can decide for yourself whether you feel comfortable ingesting comfrey. However, comfrey is absolutely safe to use for external purposes; everyone agrees on this!
Safety factor: Not for internal use. Do not apply to broken or abraded skin. Do not use when nursing.
Organic Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Medicinal uses: The entire plant is useful as both medicine and food. The root is a classic liver tonic or “blood purifier”, With a stimulating and decongesting effect on the liver. Encourages optimal digestion, with a rich supply of bitter compounds that, having stimulated receptor sites on the tongue, signal the digestive tract. The leaf has a similar effect. The root also stimulates the production of bile, which in turn helps break down cholesterol and fat. Dandelion was traditionally used in many systems of medicine to support digestive and gastrointestinal health. Additionally, dandelion was traditionally used to support liver health, healthy urinary function and has a mild diuretic action. Dandelion root powder can be incorporated into culinary recipes, infused as dandelion tea, tinctured as dandelion extract, encapsulated, or blended into cosmetic preparations.
Safety factor: No known precautions but some people are allergic to the milky latex of dandelion flowers and stems. If a rash should develop upon use of this latex, just discontinue the treatment.
Organic Elder Berries Sambucus nigra
Medicinal uses: berries have immune-enhancing properties. The berries have powerful antiviral properties and are helpful in treating viral infections including flus, herpes, shingles, and also for treating upper respiratory infections. supports immune health to help you stay feeling your best and supports the body’s immune defenses to stay feeling healthy. Whole elder berries are typically prepared as teas, tinctures, syrups, wine, cordials, and even ketchup, often combined with propolis or echinacea.
Safety factor: The raw fruit contains a component, sambunigrin, which may cause vomiting and severe diarrhea if ingested. Some just say not eat the raw (uncooked) berries in any great quantity, as they can cause digestive upset and diarrhea in some people.
Organic garlic Allium sativum
Medicinal uses: Herb of choice for treating colds, flus, sore throats, and poor or sluggish digestion. Stimulates the production of white blood cells, boosting the body’s immune function, and its sulfur compounds and essential oils make it a potent internal and external antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial agent effective for treating many types of infections. Effective against several forms of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Used to treat intestinal worms in humans and animals. Very effective in maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels and helps prevent blood platelet aggregation, making it the herb of choice for many circulatory issues. Lowers blood sugar levels, making it useful in treating type 2 diabetes. Garlic can be used for infusions.
Safety factor: Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner if using in higher doses used for therapeutic purposes and taking any medications. Considered generally safe, but garlic may cause gastrointestinal disturbance in sensitive individuals or in persons with acute or chronic stomach inflammation. Can be a stomach irritant to small children and infants; it should be avoided by nursing mothers who find their child fussy or colicky after eating garlic.
Organic ginger Root Powder Zingiber officinale
Medicinal uses: Ginger contains a proteolytic enzyme that has been shown to reduce inflammation and help repair damaged joints and cartilage tissue and is used for arthritis and joint pain. Improves circulation in the pelvis and is often a main ingredient in reproductive tonics for men and women and in formulas for menstrual cramps and PMS. Lowers blood level triglycerides linked to diabetes and heart disease. Ginger is effective for nausea, motion sickness, seasickness, and nausea from chemotherapy. Antiseptic properties make ginger highly effective for treating gastrointestinal infections and is used in food poisoning formulas. It is a warming, decongesting herb used for cold-type imbalances such as poor circulation, colds, and flus, respiratory congestion, and sore throat. Ginger root powder can be infused into herbal extracts and syrups and used as a spice in cooking and baking recipes.
Safety factors: No known negative side effects.
Organic Goldenseal Root Hydrastis canadensis
Medicinal uses: This is quite possibly one of the most useful and valuable plants of North America. Particularly effective at healing mucous membranes, goldenseal is used in cleansing washes for the eye, in mouthwashes for sore mouths and gums, and in the topical treatment of eczema and psoriasis as well as vaginitis. It has antibiotic, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties and is often combined with other infection-fighting herbs to help combat infections and ward off colds and flus. It is known to help with UTIs, canker sores, and sinus congestion. Note: Goldenseal is on the United Plant Saver’s At-Risk List.
Goldenseal is very bitter and is often used as a bitter tonic and digestive aid. The root is infused (not decocted) as a bitter tea, which can be used as a mouthwash for gum infections and as a topical wash for cuts. The root is often powdered and used in poultices for infections, abscesses, and wounds. Combine the herb with echinacea to help fight off infections and colds. Typical preparations of the root include extracts, infusions, and topical balms.
Caution: If used over a period of time, goldenseal becomes an irritant to the mucous membranes, causing inflammation and irritation. Always rotate its use (for instance, 5 days on, 2 days off), and do not use for longer than 3 weeks at a time.
Organic Hawthorn Berry Powder Crataegus Monogyna
Medicinal uses: Hawthorn is considered the herb supreme for the heart. The berries, leaves, and flowers are rich in bioflavenoids, antioxidants, and procyanidins, which feed and tone the heart. Hawthorn works in part by dilating the arteries and veins, enabling blood to flow more freely and releasing cardiovascular constrictions and blockages. It strengthens the heart muscle while helping to normalize and regulate blood pressure. It also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Hawthorn is outstanding both to prevent heart problems and to treat high or low blood pressure, heart disease, edema, angina, and heart arrhythmia. (Because Hawthorn does not store in the body and is not accumulative in action, it's important to take hawthorn on a regular basis when using it as a heart tonic.) Hawthorn also helps stabilize collagen and supports the heatlh and repair of ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Hawthorn is excellent for strengthening the capillairies which makes it useful for people who bruise easily. Try hawthron tincutre, tea, or capsules for 3 to 4 weeks and see if it helps reduce the amount of bruising. The herb of the heart, hawthron, is also a remedy for grief and deep sadness. Combine it with lemon blam, the milky tops of oats, and St. John's Wort for a wonderful tea that helps alleviate the deep feelings of grief that often accompany loss.
Safety factors: No known precautions. Most naturopaths and herbalists feel that hawthorn pregarations are safe to use in conjunction with allopathic heart medicination, because hawthorn works through a nourishing and supportive mechanism, rather than druglike chemical changes. But if you are taking heart medication, check with your doctor before taking hawthorn or any other type of remedy, allopathic or herbal.
Organic Lavender Flowers, English Lavandula angustifolia
Medicinal uses: Lavender has profound relaxing, calming, uplifting effects. It is a mold antidepressant, helpful in dispelling depression and melancholy. Combined with feverfew, it helps alleviate migraines and headaches. It is one of the best herbs to use in the bath to relieve tension, stress, and insomnia. After a long, stressful day, try a bath with a handful of lavender blossoms tied in a muslin bag, added to the water. You will feel better immediately.
An herb used traditionally to imbue courage and strength, lavender is still a favorite herb to strengthen the heart and mind in a stressful situation. A warm poultice of lavender flowers held against the lower back of a birthing mother can bring gentle relief. Lavender is also one of the herbs used traditionally to bathe the new baby.
Lavender’s effectiveness as a traditional antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic agent has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. It is useful in treating a host of infections, including staph, strep, colds, and flus. It is legendary as an herbal antiseptic and is used to disinfect and heal scrapes, wounds, and burns.
A popular antispasmodic, lavender is used in digestive formulas to relieve indigestion and is especially helpful for calming stomach muscle spasms, which are sometimes caused by irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.
lavender flowers are used in all manner of medicinal preparations and Dried lavender flowers can be added to potpourri blends, used as a cooking or baking spice, and incorporated into body care recipes.
Safety factors: No known precautions. Lavender is generally considered safe, though it’s recommended that pregnant women avoid using it internally in large amounts.
Organic Milk Thistle Silybum marianum
Medicinal uses: Milk thistle supports the liver's natural detoxification process and is nature’s best aid for damaged liver tissue. Stimulates liver function and rebuilds damaged liver tissues and an important supplement for those whose livers have been compromised by illness, hepatitis, or alcoholism. Milk thistle seed is also helpful for the gallbladder and the kidneys. Perfect for tincturing or encapsulating.
Safety factors: Milk thistle may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to The Asteraceae (Ragweed) plant family.
Organic Nettle Leaf Urtica dioica
Medicinal Uses: Rich in a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium, nettle is an excellent tonic herb and is useful for “growing pains” in young children, when their bones and joints ache, as well as for older folks with “creaky” joints. Its antihistamine properties make it an excellent remedy for allergies and hay fever. Because of its nutritive properties and positive effects on the liver, nettle is also an excellent tonic for reproductive system of both men and women. It is frequently included in formulas for PMS and other menstrual difficulties, fertility issues, and menopausal issues, and nettle seeds are used as both a preventive and a curative for prostate issue. Nettle is used as a general tonic tea to fortify and build energy when overworked and tired. A favorite all-around remedy.
The leaves can be steeped as nettle tea, incorporated into herbal infusion blends, and added to soups and broths. It makes a wonderfully nourishing tea.
Safety factors: No known precautions.
Organic Oregano Origanum vulgare
Medicinal uses: Oregano oil is known as ‘Nature’s Antibiotic’. This kitchen staple can be used to support digestion, reduce cough and relieve respiratory issues, fight bacterial and fungal infections, inflammation, flu, viruses, and pain. It can be used for wound healing, parasite infections among its many other beneficial properties. Used for nervousness, irritability, and insomnia; When you are feeling edgy or to calm butterflies in the stomach. This herb has an antispasmodic property that can be used advantageously for digestive and muscular spasms. Infuse in oil or brew as tea.
Safety factors: No known precautions.
Organic Rosemary leaf Rosmarinus officinalis
Medicinal uses: A legendary brain tonic, improving concentration and memory. Enhances the cellular intake of oxygen and is a mild and uplifting stimulant. It has long been valued for its ability to ease headaches and migraines and relieve mild to moderate depression. It is a circulatory stimulant, useful for problems associated with the cardiovascular system, poor circulation, and low blood pressure. A mild analgesic and antioxidant which is useful for treating arthritis and joint damage. Good digestive aid facilitating the digestion of fats and starches. The herb can be steeped as an herbaceous rosemary tea or macerated as rosemary extract. It is especially wonderful in haircare creations.
Safety factors: No known precautions.
Organic sage leaf Salvia officinalis
Medicinal uses: Superb aid in the digestion of rich, fatty meat. Helps lower cholesterol levels and is an excellent tonic for the liver. Excellent herb for rebuilding vitality and strength during long-term illness. Sage tea is a warming, bracing drink, nice mixed with mint or rosemary and lemon balm for a tasty stress reliever. Mild hormonal stimulant and can be effective in promoting regular menstruation, offering relief from hot flashes and night sweats. Sage is also helpful for men. Sage seems to regulate fluids in the body and helps reduce sweating. An old-time remedy for “drying up” mother’s milk. Mitigates excessive saliva production. Flu fighter. Because of the astringent, antiseptic, and relaxing action on the mucous membranes, sage is the classic remedy for inflammation of the mouth, throat, and tonsils. One of the best remedies for laryngitis, tonsillitis, and sore throat as a spray or gargle and can be used as a mouthwash or swab to treat infected or sore gums and canker sores. Sage leaves can be infused as tea, macerated as an extract, and used as a culinary spice.
Safety factors: Sage will decrease the flow of a nursing mother’s milk substantially, so it is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
Organic Senna Senna alexandrina
Medicinal uses: Mild laxative actions, of which the leaf is considered more powerful than the pods. Senna encourages bowel movement by inhibiting the smooth muscles that retain stool and stimulating the smooth muscles that push stool through the intestine. The herb doesn't work unless the sennosides in the herb are transformed into rheinanthrones by beneficial bacteria in the colon. Senna leaf powder is ideal for use in capsules, extracts, and topical preparations.
Safety factors: Do not use this product if you have abdominal pain or diarrhea. Consult a healthcare provider prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing a baby. Discontinue use in the event of diarrhea or watery stools. Do not exceed recommended dose. Not for long-term use.
Organic slippery elm bark Ulmus rubra
Medicinal uses: Slippery elm is a soothing herb traditionally used to treat reflux and heartburn. Mucilage seems to help improve bowel regularity. A small amount mixed in water to make a slurry is ingested for digestive problems. Slippery elm may help people with constipation due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Teas, infusions, topical preparations. Up to 5 tablespoons (15 grams) of slippery elm bark can be dissolved in a cup (240 ml) of water. Sometimes found encapsulated and as a liquid extract.
SAFETY FACTORS: Slippery Elm should be taken with at least 250mL (8 oz) of liquid. Orally administered drugs should be taken one hour prior to or several hours after consumption of slippery elm. The mucilage may slow the absorption of orally administered drugs.
Organic thyme leaf Thymus vulgaris
Medicinal uses: Powerful and effective disinfectant and can be used both externally (as a wash) and internally to help fight off infection. Used to help ward off colds and as a rinse to treat sore throat and oral infections. Makes a fine tea for treating coughs and chest complaints. Used in antifungal remedies. Rich in antioxidants and has a markedly tonic effect supporting normal body functions. Has a positive effect on the glandular system as a whole and especially the thymus gland. Dried thyme leaf can be incorporated into culinary recipes, infused as thyme tea, and combined into herbal syrups.
Safety factors: Thyme is completely safe and nontoxic. It is suggested not to use in therapeutic doses when pregnant.
Organic turmeric Curcuma longa
Medicinal uses: Remedy for jaundice, liver, and gallbladder disorders. Used to treat chest colds and coughs. Powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which modern research has shown to work by sensitizing the body’s cortisol receptor sites, making turmeric an effective treatment for arthritis, osteoarthritis, and most other inflammatory conditions. Stronger acting than hydrocortisone, without any of the harmful side effects. Curcumin, one of turmeric’s major constituents, is an effective topical antibacterial agent and has stronger antioxidant properties than vitamin e. curcumin is also proving to be a powerful agent against several types of cancer, including breast, colon, prostate, and skin cancers. A 2009 study showed curcumin was effective in killing esophageal cancer cells and has shown promising results in turmeric’s ability to inhibit growth of lymphoma cells. Turmeric root powder can be extracted, encapsulated, used as a seasoning for curries and rice dishes, and employed as a dye. The dried root can be used in gargles, tincturing, and as a natural dye.
Safety factors: None.
Organic White Willow bark Salix alba
Medicinal uses: This herb has been used for millennia for natural pain relief, reducing fever, and inflammation, and recent studies are proving the traditional indications of white willow to be correct.
The multi-component active principle of willow bark provides a broader mechanism of action than aspirin and is devoid of serious adverse events. In contrast to synthetic aspirin, willow bark does not damage the gastrointestinal mucosa. An extract dose with 240 mg salicin had no major impact on blood clotting. Derived from the bark of the willow tree, Willow Bark Extract has been used for centuries to soothe irritated skin. Containing salicin — from which salicylic acid is derived — this versatile ingredient is both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, clearing pores and alleviating acne and irritation. Topically, Willow bark extract is a potent herbal remedy for many skin problems. It can exfoliate your skin, reduce excess oil, clear up your pores as well as help to keep your skin hydrated. This gentle but potent extract can heal acne and prevent future flare-ups. It can also be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Willow bark has most often been used by adults in doses providing 120-240 mg of salicin by mouth daily for up to 6 weeks. Speak with a healthcare provider to find out what dose might be best for a specific condition. White Willow Bark is typically tinctured or steeped as willow bark tea.
Safety factors: While white willow is gentler on the stomach than Aspirin, it can aggravate conditions such as kidney disease and gastrointestinal ulcers. In addition, those who are sensitive to Aspirin or have an allergy to salicylates should not take this herb. It is essential to consult a health care professional when altering medications and it should be thoroughly investigated how both herbal and conventional medications interact with each other. For those taking blood thinners, including warfarin and heparin, white willow is to be taken with caution under a physician’s care.
***Precautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.***