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Scouring Powder


Have you ever used scouring powder to clean your home? You may recognize it by its commercial names like Comet or Ajax. It’s an abrasive powder that is a mix of dry soap or detergent and soda to help get rid of tough-to-remove stains and caked-on grime. Most commercially made scouring powders contain silica, talc, dry bleach, and added fragrances.

Our Scouring Powder is a much less harsh version of scouring powder, which is a bit safer for you and the environment. This all natural baking soda scrub can be used to clean floors, tiles, wash basins, utensils, stovetops, etc.

The Benefits of lavender For Cleaning:

Lavender flowers are a perfect added ingredient to enhance your natural household cleaning products. There are compounds in lavender that can be helpful for cleaning. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and deodorizing properties, which makes it a wonderful ingredient for fighting against bacteria, fungus, and mold.

If you love a fresh, light, floral scent in your home then it’s the perfect option for this natural and safe scouring powder recipe.


How to Use Scouring Powder in Your Home:

To use your new scouring powder, simply sprinkle it on the surface you wish to clean. Scrub with a damp cloth or sponge and then wipe away with an All-Purpose Cleaning Spray.For more tips on specific areas in your home, read below!

·       Kitchen. In general, scouring scrub is great for cleaning your kitchen surfaces! Sprinkle the powder on your countertop and scrub or wipe away with a warm, wet cleaning cloth.

·       Oven. To clean the top or inside of your oven with its cooked-on stains, make your scouring powder into a paste. Combine the powder with a bit of warm water and mix until it resembles something like wet sand. Apply the paste to the stain, let it sit for about 5 minutes, and then wipe away.

·       Stainless Steel. Baking soda and borax are not abrasive enough to damage stainless steel, making this a great cleaner for your appliances. Apply your powder to a microfiber cloth and polish with your fingertips.

·       Bathroom. Use your scouring powder to clean soap scum, water marks, and residue in your shower, bath tub, and sink. Simply sprinkle on dry and wipe away with a wet cloth or apply it as a paste.

·       Toilet. To clean your toilet with your scouring powder, spray an All-Purpose Cleaning Spray on the surface of the toilet, then sprinkle on your powder. Let it sit for 5 minutes and give the toilet a good scrub with your brush. Wipe down any leftover powder and flush the toilet. Done!

**DO NOT USE THIS POWDER ON: Antique silver, marble or quartz countertops, sealed hardwood floors, aluminum cookware, gold-plated items, glass, mirrors, carpets, and be incredibly careful with washing dishes to remove any residue as borax should not be ingested.**

I love seeing how powerful baking soda is at removing harsh stains, cooked on food, and brightening up my appliances. Enjoy using your own safe and natural alternative to soft scrub with this scouring powder.

 Store the scouring powder in a dark, cool place such as a pantry cabinet and out of reach of animals and children. The scouring powder should last for several years if kept dry.

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