After a long and unfruitful search for a natural sunscreen that did not contain highly oxidative oils such as sunflower and grapeseed, I decided to create a product for the skin that would not act as a high SPF sunblock, but a safe and protective option for increased skin protection for those who wanted to forego toxic sunscreen (yes, even the natural brands).
Oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acid are very damaging to the body, both internally and externally, especially when exposed to light, making those oils a terrible choice for natural sunscreen. It damages the cell by oxidizing it, making the skin prone to skin damage such as sunspots, freckles, and lipofuscin. This sun balm not only protects the skin in case of overexposure of the sun, but it is deeply nourishing and will not damage skin cells when exposed to the sun.
PLEASE NOTE: This product is NOT intended to replace sunblock. This product DOES NOT block the sun. It DOES give the skin a level up in the protection department due to the nourishing and healing properties in the ingredients. Each ingredient does offer a slight SPF, but I do not even want to go as far as calling this a sunscreen. There have been many who have reported wonderful results when using this product in conjunction with mindful sun exposure. Please do not expect to put this on, spend all day in the sun and not get burned. I cannot make any claims but try it for yourself and see how it works.
SHEA BUTTER: SPF 4-6. Raw, unrefined.
Shea butter is highly emollient and rich in antioxidants, including Vitamins A and E. It heals dryness and soothes skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. Shea butter can be useful in treating burns and sun damage and is also a favorite for helping reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. COCONUT OIL: SPF 4-6. 100% organic virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats, which are excellent for revitalizing, moisturizing, and relieving dry or damaged skin.
JOJOBA OIL: A superior carrier oil for skin, due to its molecular stability and low poly-unsaturated fatty acid content. Natural protectant. Jojoba closely resembles our skin’s own sebum—the oily secretions our skin produces to protect itself—making it a natural alternative to moisturizing creams. Jojoba is highly penetrating and contains powerful antioxidants, which means it is deeply moisturizing and healing. BEESWAX: Organic, triple filtered. Beeswax makes this sunscreen waterproof, protects skin against damaging elements, is resistant to oxidation, and has anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. *CARROT SEED ESSENTIAL OIL: SPF 35-40. Steam distilled.
Carrot seed is high in antioxidants, which helps protect the skin from environmental assaults. Carotenoids, in particular, have been found to enhance the body’s response to UV rays. Also containing beta carotene and vitamin E, which can help prevent burning when overexposure occurs.
HELICHRYSUM: Steam distilled. Helichrysum Italicum is revered for its unparalleled regenerative and protective benefits in skin care as well as its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It contains compounds that promote healthy skin cell growth and regeneration. It also helps speed up healing of wounds, burns, and rashes and reduces scarring.
FULL INGREDIENT LIST: Jojoba oil, shea butter, extra virgin coconut oil, beeswax, carrot seed essential oil, helichrysum essential oil.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary.
sunshine balm is low spf natural skin protection that is not meant to replace sunblock. It is also a wonderful moisturizer for face and body!
*carrot seed is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.